All addicts are welcome. There will be no Addicts Anonymous meetings because as the saying goes that would be for quitters. And this is entirely too much fun to me. Now I think I should do some explaining. This is Sara and this was my brain child.
This is no way affiliated directly with Unity, Ippity or any of their subsidiary companies or future subsidiary companies.
ETA: This is not nor will it be a place for stamp sells.
I have been following Unity Stamp Co since I first saw them start coming around Splitcoast Stampers talking about their handles. When they offered them up for preorder, I jumped on the Unity bandwagon and haven’t looked back since. I’ve loved their handles and needless to say have fallen head over heals for their stamps.
HIP HOP was wonderful and gave an amazing opportunity to get a behind the scenes look into the Wizard behind the curtain aka Angela and all her talented people. With that I made beautiful friendships (enough adjectives, LOL but they are all true!!). With that came HHH then FWF. Then came the birth of {ippity}. So much growth in so little time.
I got to thinking back in December about starting a challenge type blog where everything could be thrown into the mix… ya know ALL THINGS UNITY. No matter what Unity came up with we could use it in our creations. I talked to Angela in January and I got a thumbs up so here we are.
Every two weeks (give or take) we’ll be back here with a challenge, I mean we don’t want to overwhelm you. Now onto the 1st challenge. It’s a simple one, make a sunshiney card. Interpret how you will.
This is my interpretation…

Now, I’m sure you may be wondering is there a prize. I’m glad you asked. There is this week. I have one brand new set called This Is the Time to a random participant. You have until March 18th at 11:59pm EST to get your entries in. If you would like to post your entry in a gallery please use keyword ATU01 and put your link back here.
Now we do have a small design team of other “addicts” who offer some amazing inspiration and I mean amazing. Wanna see? This week we’re going to offer up links but in the future we’re going to show offer one stop shopping.